
Rescue kitten adopts orphaned puppy, and the two can not live without each other now.

Seeing a dog and a cat get along and live together like they are siblings is a good thing.

It is possible for dogs and cats to get along, but not all the time. Anyone who has had both will tell you this. Sometimes it is not possible to be friends with other dog types because they are not as trustworthy.

But it is amazing to see how well they get along, especially for someone like me who has seen two favorite animals get along and play together.

Cheech meets her new brother

Just over a month ago, a sweet foster family decided to accept a Chihuahua that they named Casanova for the first time.

Because he was just born, his family had to take care of him all the time. Soon after, someone told them about a little stray kitten on the street.

Since they already had a lot going on, it would be hard for them to adopt a cat, but they could not say no to someone who needed their help.

The beginning of Casanova’s life was hard. They had to do everything they could to keep him living since he did not have a mother.

They still thought there was something else they could do to help him. The family had the best idea when they were finally in charge of the lost kitten.

They will live together, and the wild cat will take care of her new sister.

Welcomes that are kind

The cat, whose name is now Cheech, was finally shown to Casanova, who was genuinely interested in and amused by the little dog.

Cheech kissed Casanova on the little nose to say hello. It was clear right away that the new cat and dog pair had a strong bond, and they could no longer be split up.

They like taking naps together and are together almost all the time when they are awake.

Cheech loves to wrap her little paws around her brother while they sleep, which is the cutest thing ever.

There is no fighting between the brothers, and their story is very sweet.

Even though they are both going through hard times, they have found each other and will not be able to be apart for long.

With age, I hope they take many wonderful trips together and find a family that will love and care for them.

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