
For Anyone Who Loves Cats AND Architecture: The 10 Best Photos from Cats of Brutalism

If you’ve ever wondered what happens when curious cats meet cold, angular architecture, then you’re in for a treat. These fluffy adventurers are taking on the world of Brutalism with style, flair, and a whole lot of curiosity. And while they haven’t quite figured out how to “blend in” with their sharp surroundings, we think they’d make any concrete jungle a little more cozy.

Meet the Cats of Brutalism!

Now, don’t be fooled—this isn’t just another “Cats of Brutality” post. Oh no! These cats aren’t here to claw at furniture or knock over your coffee. Nope, they’re here to show off their love of architecture in the most adorable way possible! Their cute little faces say it all: they’re tiny urban explorers with a taste for mid-century modernism. You might just want to adopt one (or all of them) by the end of this post.

Brutalism: More Than Just Concrete Blocks

Brutalist architecture emerged as a rebellion against the sleek, glass-filled buildings of the modernist era. Instead of shiny surfaces, Brutalism embraced raw materials like concrete, steel, and stone. Think of it like the ‘bad boy’ of architecture—edgy, bold, and rough around the edges (just like these cats!).

Ready to dive in? Let’s meet our architectural kitty critics!

#1. Cats of Brutalism “I sit where the concrete feels just right.”

This kitty has clearly found their happy place in a concrete wonderland. They’ve got the perfect perch for staring out at the world—and plotting who knows what.

#2. Cats of Brutalism “Meow-dern architecture at its finest!”

Sleek lines, sharp angles, and a fluffy tail to balance it all out—this cat’s got Brutalism down to an art.

#3. Cats of Brutalism “I’m not lost, I’m just… contemplating existential concrete thoughts.”

#4. Cats of Brutalism “If I fits, I sits—especially in cool, Brutalist nooks.”

#5. Cats of Brutalism “I am one with the building. The building is one with me.”

#6. Cats of Brutalism “Stairs? Check. Dramatic pose? Double check.”

#7. Cats of Brutalism “I’m here to inspect the craftsmanship… or take a nap. Maybe both.”

#8. Cats of Brutalism “Forget cat towers, I climb concrete giants now!”

#9. Cats of Brutalism “I’m blending in, you just don’t see it yet.”

#10. Cats of Brutalism “Who needs soft cushions when you’ve got… concrete?”

The Brutalist Cat Life

Brutalism is all about raw material and functionality. And while these kitties may not understand the full history of the architectural movement, they sure know how to make it look good. With their sleek poses and curious expressions, they bring a whole new level of charm to the concrete-heavy world of Brutalism.

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