
A woman sees her neighbors leave their old cat alone and decides to save him.

Maria saw something very sad happen when her neighbors left their cat behind while they moved out. Because they didn’t want him anymore, Maria thought they might ask her to take her away from him, but that never happened.

No matter what the weather was like, the poor cat waited all day and night for her people to come home. He would raise his head every time he heard a car. He was in terrible pain because he had no food or water.

Maria soon realized she needed to help the scared cat, but she didn’t know how because the cat would run away every time she got close. She decided to give him a small meal every time until he started to trust her. It was very important to Maria that he was happy again and that he got his love.

Once he started to believe her, she took him to the vet. After four days, she could come get him. He was glad to be strong again and ready to go to his new home. Because of his cute eyes, she named him Rolo.

Even though Rolo is now with Maria, he used to watch outside sometimes to see if his old owners were still there. Even though he is old, he is still very active and fun! He loves to play with his toys and roll around in the dirt. Rolo can go outside as long as it’s not too hot, too cold, or too windy. He has his own room and can go and come as he pleases.

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