
Cat Stuck On Pole Waited For Days For Someone To Save Him

Even though he was in a tough spot, he was picky about who could help him.

Zigzy As his name suggests, the cat comes and goes, sometimes disappearing from the house for weeks at a time. The cat in Phoenix, Arizona, loves being on his own and depends on his friends to feed and water him.

So, when the black and white cat disappeared over the weekend, no one thought something was wrong.

On Friday, the brave cat got into trouble when he tried to climb an electricity pole that was much higher than he thought it would be.

Neighbors who were worried didn’t find the cat until Monday morning. An ABC News crew from the area was sent to the spot to record the rescue effort, which was then shown live on Facebook.

According to neighbors, a cat has been stuck on top of a power pole since Friday. A utility worker has been sent to get the “community” cat down, KNXV reports. Here’s a picture of it: https://t.co/HVaDpvjYUs

— ABC News (@ABC) March 26, 2018
A lot of people watched Gypsy lick himself, lie on top of the pole, sit on it, try to get off, change his mind, and keep licking himself for an hour and a half.

The kitten hung from the pole for three days, waiting for help because it couldn’t figure out how to get down.

It looked like Gypsy would finally be back on the ground safely after a utility worker climbed up the live power pole on a very, very tall ladder.

He put out his arm when he almost touched the cat’s fur. But the unknown hero didn’t give up. He or she climbed to the top of the shaky ladder and carefully grabbed the cat off the pole. He carefully went down the ladder with Gypsy tucked under his arm.

Cat was saved after three days of being stuck on a power pole – Here’s a picture of the tweet: https://t.co/wQpul7chbx

The tweet from WTOL 11 on March 27, 2018 says:
Gypsy looked tired but happy, and so did the hundreds of thousands of people who watched.

Jenny Hardin and Ash Morgan, who owned Gypsy, were glad that help had arrived quickly. Hardin told AZ Family, “I know him well enough that he could have jumped, and knowing him, he probably would have.” “But thank goodness he didn’t, because that is kind of high for a cat.”

Phoenix’s 911 lines are backed up with calls about a cat stuck on a power pole, https://t.co/0sbXKh1nCZ. from @meganrcassidy to @austgrad Gypsy is the cat’s name, and she’s safe now. tweet this picture (R83tvp9ZAN)

On March 26, 2018, Linda Dono (@LindaDono) said

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